Callout for national network

We think a major transition needs to happen in the way that organisations, public bodies and governments make decisions.

This is a transition toward citizen-led decision-making.

This is not only about creating more accountable and democratic structures, it is also about making more informed and better decisions that benefit a wider range of people. 

Citizens In Power is proposing a national network for people who want to lead this transition in and around the cultural sector.


Are you interested in involving citizens in your governance, management or delivery models? Or maybe you are thinking about using existing tools such as Citizens’ Assemblies or Citizens’ Juries to transform your work or organisation? Or perhaps you are a funder looking for a citizen-led approach to setting strategy and distributing resources. 

If so, could you benefit from the allyship of others who want to go on a similar journey?

The idea for this network is an experiment. If no one responds to this call out, then there is clearly no need for the network! However, we think there is an increasing number of people and organisations who are keen to be part of a transition towards citizen-led decision-making.

This callout is for UK-based organisations, initially. The size of the network will be limited so that everyone who is part of the group can get to know each other and learn from one another's experiences which is likely to mean it would have between 6 and 12 members.


The network’s model and approach would be established by its members but we imagine that it could involve some or all of the following:

  1. A minimum three year commitment (2024-2026) during which time network members would undertake new ventures in citizen-led decision-making and learn from each other’s experiences

  2. Workshops to convene speakers and practitioners working in democratic decision-making with opportunities to practically try out solutions and test new ideas in a supportive environment 

  3. Support with landing funding and reviewing business models to enable a transition towards citizen-led models as well as the potential to create network partnerships and jointly create investment proposals


While network benefits would be tailored to individuals and their organisations, according to their need, we expect some general benefits to include: 

  • peer learning, professional development and therapeutic benefits

  • supporting internal advocacy and leading change in your organisation or institution 

  • convening power of the network to attract expertise, support and additional funds

  • being part of a leading movement for change

  • positioning your work nationally and internationally


Citizens In Power does not have confirmed funding to run the network though we are in dialogue with funders about it and will confirm funding before activating the network.

Citizens In Power is a not-for-profit organisation with a purpose to co-design ways for citizens to lead decision-making and shape the future. We are not putting ourselves forward as the purveyor of all knowledge that will be needed by network members because this will be a joint journey of discovery.

We do however have significant experience of citizen-led decision-making and strong connections in both the democracy and cultural sectors, nationally and internationally. We also have lots of experience of establishing and supporting dynamic networks, see Collaborative Touring Network as an example established in 2013.

We will support and champion your plans for change and be an advocate for your work. We are prepared to invest time and energy to support this network, its individual members and to help create an exciting and productive journey for everyone involved.

Our chief motivation for supporting the network is for it to play its part in accelerating change toward greater citizen-led decision-making. We hope that network members will also be interested in advocacy and policy development so that the network can contribute to the development of public policy, promoting citizen-led decision-making in, around and beyond the cultural sector.


If you are interested in being a part of this UK network please fill out this google form by 11th December 2023. We would appreciate responses before the deadline as it will enable us to prepare and plan. The form will allow you to amend your information after it has been submitted because things change all the time and you may want to update your information.

If we receive more responses than can be productively supported in a single network we will create a transparent selection process which is likely to prioritise places to create a geographic spread of members across the UK and focus on applicants who have ambitious programmes for change relative to where they are now. Thanks for reading and let us know what you think.

Saad Eddine Said and David Jubb, Co-Directors, Citizens In Power

David Jubb